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Re: Source-routed URLs

>From: lazear@gateway.mitre.org
>Could we also discuss why the two constructs for stacking URLs 
>need to be different?  Is there an effort to make them the same?
>Is this an area for an IETF working group?

Sources here tell me there are not currently any efforts within the IETF
to standardize any hypertext stuff.  There is a Working Group called URI 
(Universal Resource Indentifers), and they are involved in this area.

There are some Internet-Drafts on the subject from this working group.
One of them is on URL's, available via anonymous ftp from:


You may want to direct your question to the chair of the working group:

	Larry Masinter <masinter@parc.xerox.com>

or to the Working group itself:



        Roger E. Masse, Systems Engineer
        Corporation for National Research Initiatives
        1895 Preston White Drive, Suite 100
        Reston, Virginia, USA  22091
        Internet: rmasse@CNRI.Reston.VA.US
